First Visit at the Chiropractic Center
During your consultation, the doctor will ask about your health-related problems and concerns, as well as your treatment options. Your first visit is designed to learn more about you, your general health, your specific condition, and your expectations to determine if chiropractic care suits your goals.
Physical Exam
The doctor will perform a complete chiropractic exam consisting of: Range of motion evaluation, balance evaluation, orthopedic tests, neurological exam and postural evaluation. You will be asked to do a series of simple and easy activities or exercises. Which will allow our specialists to know information about your motor skills and gait, among others.
diagnostic studies
The chiropractor will determine if studies such as X-rays, MRI, scanner, ultrasound, or any laboratory test may be necessary for diagnosis and treatment planning.
We will review clinic policies, your insurance benefits, and answer any questions you may have about costs and discounts offered.
Chiropractic Treatment
If your case allowsit, youwillreceive a chiropracticadjustment or specificrecommendations and exercises. If x-rays or laboratorystudies are required to determine a diagnosis, the first adjustmentwillbeprovided in a second visit.
In some cases of disc herniation, sciatica and spondylolisthesis, it is essential to perform an MRI to be able to evaluate if you are a candidate for Cox traction therapy.
Drink natural water after receiving the treatment
Walk for at least 5 minutes to assimilate the corrections
Avoid sleeping on your stomach
Sleep in the position recommended by the doctor (varies from case to case)
Do not carry heavy things
Do not practice heavy or heavy exercise impact directly after an adjustment session
Follow the specific recommendations of your chiropractor
Application of cold, heat, rest, corrective exercises or stretching. Modify the ergonomics of your workplace when necessary
Principales enfermedades y síntomas tratados
Dolor de espalda baja
Dolor de cuello
Dolor de hombro y brazo
Servicios más demandados
Primera consulta de valoración con radiografías
Ajuste quiropráctico
Prevención y postura
Consulta de valoración de columna vertebral
Estudio de postura
Estudio de baropodometría
Las preguntas más frecuentes de nuestros pacientes
¿Cuánto cuesta el servicio?
¿Cuántas veces debo ir al quiropráctico?
¿Cómo poder tener una mejor calidad de vida?
¿Cómo vestirse para ir a terapia?
¿Cómo dormir para no dañar la columna vertebral?
Ver más información en el blog
¿Qué es un espondilolistesis?
¿Perder peso ayuda con el dolor de espalda baja?
¿Qué diferencia hay entre un fisioterapeuta y un quiropráctico?
El enfoque quiropráctico para la escoliosis
¿Qué es el nervio ciático?
General Gomez Pedraza 51,
San Miguel Chapultepec,
Miguel Hidalgo,
Ciudad de México, CDMX
Horarios de atención
Lunes a Viernes
9am – 8pm
9am – 1pm